Book – Walking In My Thoughts (Poems) - Addison
Book – Walking In My Thoughts (Poems) - Addison - This is no ordinary poetry book, it has been described by others as a guide book through the journey of life from the younger years of an adolescent to the golden years of a 32 year old. Each chapter represents a moment in the life of a person "conciously"/unconsciously aware of the journey through life. Experiencing the highs and lows of life; going through the motions of vicimization to a conscious being, just "being." Thanks to hindsight and the new realization that we go through these lows so we can truly experience the highs in the highest vibration as possible, we are able to truly take a walk with Matthew Addison through his thoughts as he has recorded his most vulnerable and playful moments in this existence. This book starts off with an insightful introduction to the cover of the book, followed by a poetic interpretation of fractals. we then have beautifully written Foreword from fellow poet and author of Atlas: a poetic guide for the fernweh spirit, Kelli Marie stated above each chapter represent a stage in life, with a total of 9 chapter and an intellectual introduction for each chapter.