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We Have Daily Readers In Our Store
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Rev. Luna
Spiritual Medium & Gem Stone Reader

Star Sign: Happy Moon

In Store: Thurs, Fri, Sat
 - 6.30 pm

Likes: To Dance 
More About Luna

Brunilda Cruz
Intuitive Tarot Reader

tar Sign: Enigma

In Store: Wednesdays
 pm - 6.30 pm
Sundays 12.30 pm - 5.30 pm

Likes: Clouds at Sunrise
More About Brunilda

What's A Reading?
Reading Styles differ in the way they are conducted. Here are some common reading types and what they typically involve
Please note that Mystikal Scents Readers provide 
readings only in the style unique to each of them and
therefore some of the following might not be available for booking.
Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings often utilize one or more methods of divination to enable clarity or confirmation of what your reader sees in the past, present or future. These can include crystals, runes, cards, pendulums or any form of scrying that the reader has the gift for.


Astrology is based on the date you were born. In an in depth reading the time and place are also used to determine the planetary alignment at your birth and the influences on your life. Astrology can be used in simple terms too. Sun signs or rising signs may help to identify an individual noted as significant in other types of readings, so don't be surprised if you are told to watch out for a tall dark handsome Capricorn!

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot cards are a wonderful divination tool that lays out the current and future events circumstances and influencing factors that lie ahead. Get guidance on your personal challenges and dilemmas, career, money, love and so much more.

Spirit Medium

A Medium has varying psychic gifts that can be used to help give you guidance or comfort from another realm. Clairvoyance - Seeing Spirit. Clairaudience - Hearing Spirit. Clairsentient - Feeling Spirit physically. Clairempathy- Feeling the emotions of others. Clairconizance- Sense of knowing. Some mediums have all 5 gifts, but the most important is the one that is used to tell you what you need to hear about.


Numerology is a study of numbers in your life. You can uncover information about each individual by using the universal language of numbers. You will be amazed how accurately your personality is uncovered and how events in the next 12 months are identified.

Oracle Cards

Oracles include many styles of card readings. Different decks have alternative information to the traditional tarot. They can be used in tandem with tarot to give clarification or confirmation, or used independantly. Current and future events are often seen with a new perspective.

Private Reading Room

A Secluded Place Blessed & Cleansed

At Mystikal Scents we know how important it is to feel at ease during a reading.


To ensure your privacy we have a private room which each of our readers bless and cleanse before the session begins.


Each reader explains briefly before you enter, what to expect during their reading with you.


Enter and relax, ready to listen to what's in store for you.

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